
Marzena’s journey to mission work and embracing the call

Marzena, also known as Maya, a dedicated lay missionary from Poland, embarked on a profound decade-long journey to answer her calling to mission work, inspired by encounters with Comboni fathers and overcoming intense fears to fulfill her vocation.

Vocation stories

Kenya my first love as a Comboni Brother.

Working among the Cushite and Nilotic peoples in Kenya has been a fulfilling experience for Bro Alfredo Monterio de Sousa. The Brazilian is sharing his faith and profession in Marsabit County about 531 Kilometres from Nairobi, the Capital.

From Pastoralist to Shepherd in the Church

Growing up in a Comboni-run parish, young Etabo found himself irresistibly drawn to the missionaries. Their close connection with his community inspired Etabo to contemplate joining their ranks.

An architect turned brother

He first came to Africa as a student of architecture. The visit changed his life. While touring missions in Tanzania with his friends, he encountered Africa’s Ubuntu and hospitality.

At the service of the gospel

“When I look back over my life, I realise how my vocation has evolved. I see that at the beginning I felt a deep desire to be useful, to serve, to help others. Over time I have discovered my vulnerability and weakness”.
