“Investing in Women: Accelerating Progress”

The theme chosen for this year’s International Women’s Day resonates powerfully: ‘Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress.’ It captures attention and demands action.

Reflecting on this theme reveals the stark gap in the efforts to engage women in socio-economic activities that drive progress and development globally. Empowering women extends beyond acknowledging their academic accolades. Their active participation in daily socio-economic endeavours is a vital step towards building a more cohesive and prosperous society for everyone.

Men and women see the world through different lenses. When acknowledged as equal partners in the national development agenda, they become more engaged participants in the force propelling the world’s economies forward.

In the book of Genesis, we read that, “Then the Lord God said, it is not good for the man to live alone. I will make a suitable companion to help him.” (Genesis 2:18) From this scripture, we derive that women, as helpers, were endowed with the ability to support, advise, and contribute in ways the man cannot, as God would not bestow responsibility without equipping.

Patriarchal societies often cling to their insecurities, denying women opportunities to unleash their potential in matters crucial to humanity and development. When women collaborate with men without discrimination or stigma, the outcomes can be tremendous.

God created women as helpers and faithful companions. Therefore, women’s empowerment holds great significance for society. Their longstanding struggle for equality is not merely a voice in the wilderness; it demands full attention and equitable action in the interest of both genders.

The strength and resilience of women are immeasurable. Despite facing discouragement and discrimination, they persist in fighting for their rights. While they have made considerable strides, there is still much work to be done. Women’s participation in national activities is not a privilege but a right—a future investment unlocking their full potential.

Women play pivotal roles in societal development across various sectors, including the church, education, healthcare, hospitality, climate action, and overall well-being. Their behind-the-scenes influence often shapes significant decisions, echoing the adage that impactful choices are not made in boardrooms but in bedrooms. However, this is not sufficient.

World nations must appoint women to key administrative positions where decisions are made without bias, as women have consistently proven their capability for the task. Equal representation of men and women in leadership is essential for achieving gender parity and recognizing women’s capabilities. The pursuit of gender equality is a shared responsibility of feminists and men of goodwill alike.

Happy Women’s Day, 2024!

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