The Joy of New Life: Marzena’s Heartwarming Work with Mothers and Babies in Kacheliba- Kenya

“The best part is when the mamas return a few months later with their little babies. I love greeting them and thanking God for the gift of a new life.”

In the remote village of Kacheliba, nestled within the rugged landscape of West Pokot, Kenya, a beacon of hope shines brightly every Wednesday. This is the day dedicated to pregnant women at the mission dispensary, where Marzena, a dedicated member of the international CLM community of Kitelakapel, offers her unwavering service and compassionate care.

Marzena’s journey to this corner of the world is one marked by a profound commitment to helping others. Each Wednesday, she can be found at the dispensary, her presence a source of comfort and reassurance for the expectant mothers who walk through its doors. For Marzena, these days are not just about medical check-ups and prenatal advice; they are about building relationships and fostering a sense of community.

“The best part,” says Marzena, “is when the mamas return a few months later with their little babies. I love greeting them and thanking God for the gift of a new life.” This simple act of welcoming new life into the world encapsulates the essence of her work and the profound impact she has on the lives of those she serves.

The mission dispensary, a modest yet vital facility, is a lifeline for many in Kacheliba as it is here that Marzena, alongside a dedicated team of local healthcare workers, provides essential prenatal care, education on maternal health, and emotional support to pregnant women. Her Wednesdays are filled with the sound of heartbeats, the rhythmic swoosh of ultrasound machines, and the gentle murmur of reassuring words.

For the women of Kacheliba, Marzena’s presence is a source of strength. She listens to their concerns, offers advice, and most importantly, she cares. “Marzena is like a sister to us,” says one expectant mother. “She is always here, ready to help and make us feel safe.”

The bond Marzena forms with these women is deeply personal. She celebrates their joys and comforts their fears, creating a space where they can feel valued and supported. Her work extends beyond medical care; it touches the very heart of the community.

As the weeks pass, the once-expectant mothers return, their arms now cradling tiny bundles of joy. These are the moments that Marzena cherishes the most. “Seeing the babies and their mothers happy and healthy is a blessing,” she says. “It reminds me why I am here and why this work is so important.”

In a region where access to healthcare can be limited, Marzena’s dedication makes a tangible difference. Her efforts contribute to lowering maternal and infant mortality rates, and her compassionate approach ensures that each woman feels seen and heard.

Marzena’s story is one of countless others who, through their commitment and love, bring hope to communities in need. In Kacheliba, her Wednesdays are not just days of work but days of transformation and renewal. Each heartbeat she monitors, each smile she shares, and each prayer she offers is a testament to the power of compassion and the enduring gift of new life.

As the sun sets over the rugged hills of West Pokot, Marzena prepares for another week, another Wednesday, and another opportunity to make a difference. Her journey is far from over, and the women of Kacheliba know that they can count on her—a steadfast presence in their lives, a harbinger of hope, and a guardian of life.

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By Nerus Akatsa

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