Ghana’s young people to observe Lent through environmental stewardship campaigns

A group of young people in Ghana is embarking on an innovative initiative to infuse new meaning into the observance of Lent by engaging in environmental stewardship campaigns.

Gabriel Asempa Antwi –Accra : Vatican News

Under the banner of “Green Lent,” Fridays and Sundays throughout the forty-day Lenten period will be dedicated to a deeper understanding and practice of Laudato Si and Laudate Deum, two crucial documents advocating environmental care.

Laudato Si and Laudate Deum

Francisca Dommetieru Ziniel, Country Director for the Catholic Youth Network for Environmental Sustainability Africa (CYNESA Ghana), has told Vatican News of Ghana’s innovative approach to this year’s Lenten period, led by young persons.

“We have realised that Laudato Si and Laudate Deum are two important documents talking about the care of our common home and that this vision of Pope Francis has not been drummed home enough,” said Dommetieru Ziniel.

In response, the youth representing the Ghana chapter of the Catholic Youth Network for Environmental Sustainability Africa (CYNESA) wants to make this year’s Lent an opportunity that is more educational and interactive.

Young people for environmental evangelism

The campaign aims to utilise modern communication channels, including social media, to disseminate information, educate, and raise awareness about environmental issues. Placards featuring messages from Scripture, Pope Francis, and other influential figures in ecological activism will be used to advocate for sustainable practices.

“We are going to come out with theme flyers and then sayings of the Holy Father, from the Bible and of influential people about environmental activism. The youth will be involved in environmental evangelism,” Francisca Dommetieru Ziniel said.

Beach clean-ups and community initiatives

Key activities planned include beach clean-ups and community-based environmental initiatives. Additionally, tree-planting events are scheduled at various locations, including the Legacy of Hope Site and the Campion Jesuit College site.

Inspired by Pope Saint John Paul II’s 1990 message for World Day of Peace, in which he called for the need to upscale ecological awareness and to find fitting expression in concrete programmes and initiatives, young Catholics from Kenya, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Zambia, Rwanda and South Africa among others, drawn from and representing university chaplaincies and parish groups, joined up to respond to this invitation, and to set up the Africa-wide Catholic Youth Network for Environmental Sustainability in Africa (CYNESA) in January of 2012.

CYNESA is the platform for all young Catholics in Africa, promoting responsible stewardship of the environment.

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