Finding Joy and Resilience Through Connection

From July the 2nd to 30th, the young members of Combojoven (Comboni Youth), accompanied by the Comboni Family from Spain, embarked on a transformative missionary experience in Turkana, Kenya. This journey was a profound exploration of connection, joy, and resilience, deeply shaped by their interactions with the vibrant local community and the wisdom imparted by their spiritual guides.

Guided by the insightful teachings of Fr. Daniel Villaverde and inspired by the July-August issue of AGUILUCHOS magazine, which celebrated the healing power of laughter, the young participants set out with hearts full of hope and a mission to spread joy. The magazine’s theme resonated deeply with

their purpose, emphasizing how positivity and laughter can bridge gaps and foster unity.

The adventure began with the warm welcome they received at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi, a prelude to the kindness and hospitality that awaited them throughout their journey. As they

travelled to Lokichar, Kalapata, and Kaakalel, they were embraced by a world where every smile and gesture reflected the deep connection and warmth of the Turkana people. This initial experience set the stage for a mission that would reveal both the challenges and the remarkable spirit of the communities they were visiting.

The mission brought with it a range of challenges, including cultural shocks and the harsh realities of poverty. Yet, the young missionaries approached these obstacles with an open heart and a genuine desire to understand and support. They saw the struggles faced by the local communities, yet they also discovered

a profound sense of beauty and resilience. The Turkana people’s unwavering positivity, despite their hardships, became a powerful source of inspiration for the young visitors.

One of the most impactful aspects of their journey was their involvement in community development projects. The youths took on various tasks, including painting a blackboard to create a vibrant and interactive learning environment for local students. This simple act transformed a basic classroom into a dynamic space where learning could thrive. They also devoted time to visiting hospitals and chapels, raising funds for essential medicines, and teaching tailoring to individuals with disabilities, thus fostering self-sufficiency. Each of these activities highlighted the core theme of their mission: finding joy and resilience through connection and mutual support.

As they delved deeper into Turkana, the contrast between the harsh realities of daily life and the infectious joy of the local people became increasingly evident. The joy and spirit of the locals stood in stark contrast to the adversity they faced daily. Fr. Daniel Villaverde’s words, “Life is like a battery, with positive and negative poles for better functioning,” took on a profound significance. The balance between joy and hardship, giving and receiving, became a central theme of their experience. The missionaries discovered that embracing both the positive and negative aspects of life could lead to a richer and more meaningful existence.

Reflecting on their time in Turkana, the young participants recognized that their experience was more than just a mission trip, it was a journey of personal growth and understanding. They learned to appreciate the profound impact of joy, the importance of nurturing hope, and the strength to overcome challenges. Through their interactions with the Turkana people, they realized that laughter and mutual support could bridge divides and break down barriers.

Ultimately, the missionary experience in Turkana celebrated the universal theme of connection. The journey illuminated how shared humanity, and empathy can create a brighter, more connected world. The young missionaries returned with a renewed sense of purpose, inspired by the strength and joy they had encountered. They saw firsthand how acts of kindness and the power of a smile could transform lives and foster a sense of unity.

The experience in Turkana was a testament to the enduring power of joy and resilience in the face of adversity. It underscored the theme that connection through empathy and shared experiences can lead to personal and collective growth. The journey served as a powerful reminder of the impact that kindness and understanding can have in bridging worlds and fostering a shared future, one smile and act of compassion at a time.


By Fr. Justus Oseko, Mccj.

New People Media

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