Multilateralism in Fratelli tutti: For a better kind of Politics
In his latest encyclical, Pope Francis calls for a politics characterised by fraternity and social friendship. He stresses the need for a global juridical, political and economic order that can […]
Called to make a difference We have a crucial message to bring to the people of our time and place, which is fully in line with the Good News: “We […]
I can’t breathe
In a moment when the whole Earth echoes the cry for justice, the Covid-19 pandemic has been a real learning moment for all humanity. But what value is a lesson, […]
Our Earth – Is Covid-19 good for the Planet?
Smog, air pollution and global warming may increase Coronavirus risks. In fact, they pose far greater threats to humans than the present pandemic, which demands we rethink our current wasteful […]
Querida Amazonia… Beloved Africa? Pope Francis’ Post-Synodal Exhortation is the writing of a pastoral genius. It is a mirror for our times. As we read it, we learn more about […]
Social justice and the environment: People before profit
The ancient biblical story of Naboth repeats itself every day. Wherever societies exist, the balance of rights and benefits must be maintained. Or else, the avaricious greed of the rich […]
ABSTRACT As the of use social media among young people becomes more complex and ubiquitous, the use of new media among youths for evangelization has now emerged as imperative. Using […]
Climate change
The New Urban Agenda It took 41 years for the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), established in 1978, to hold it first assembly. Are we to bet that things […]
Schools Open
The New Urban Agenda It took 41 years for the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), established in 1978, to hold it first assembly. Are we to bet that things […]