Be a role model

Without doubt, children copy their parents’ behaviour. This places a huge responsibility on parents. Therefore, parents must not only teach but also practice what they teach their children. The same […]

Rise up and get your hands dirty

The youth are inherently energized for change. No wonder, history is dotted with episodes of young people’s protests that forced positive and substantive societal changes. Our times cannot be different.

Laudato si’ catechists

Pope Francis’ recent teachings on ecology complement what the Catechism of the Catholic Church says about being Christian, adding that it is our responsibility to care for creation and not to ‘steal’ resources from future generations.

Human population and the environment

It is a mistake to regard humanity as a parasite on creation, as if we were a foreign intrusion into the biosphere. This is not how God sees us. He made us stewards of his creation.

Women as cosmic liturgists

At last, we are recognising that women play a role in the liturgy of the Mass. Is it not high time we recognised also what an important part they play in the liturgy of the Universe?

Called to make a difference  We have a crucial message to bring to the people of our time and place, which is fully in line with the Good News: “We […]

I can’t breathe

In a moment when the whole Earth echoes the cry for justice, the Covid-19 pandemic has been a real learning moment for all humanity. But what value is a lesson, […]