Economy and Christian Concern for the Environment

Taking care of God’s world by responsibly caring for God’s creatures (Genesis 1) and by “tending the garden” (Genesis 2) was our first assignment from God. We are all called to be keepers of God’s garden.

Rejoice and Be Glad – Always!

Gaudete et Exsultate (GE) is the third Apostolic Exhortation issued by Pope Francis, following Evangelii Gaudium (2013) and Amoris Latetitia (2016).  It is a call to holiness of life, clearly […]

“Investing in Women: Accelerating Progress”

The theme chosen for this year’s International Women’s Day resonates powerfully: ‘Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress.’ It captures attention and demands action. Reflecting on this theme reveals the stark gap […]

A brother of dreams-sumani

Brother Ghislain, a Beninese born Comboni missionary is currently an intern at New People. He is also working on and finalising his second Master’s thesis. His vocation as a Comboni […]

Building trust in business relationships

In November, 2023, the corporate world was treated to a fast-paced drama that unfolded at OpenAI, as Sam Altman was ousted and then reinstated as CEO of the artificial intelligence […]

Science and the environment: For a safer planet

There is a valid hermeneutic of suspicion regarding science and scientists. But let nobody write off scientists as fools. Knee-jerk ideological ‘denialism’ is ignorant and irresponsible, and can endanger lives for generations to come.

Pope Francis’s kairos magic

In his message for the 37th World Youth Day 2023, Pope Francis is urging young people to translate their faith into selfless service to humanity. He presents Mary, the Mother […]