The Joy of New Life: Marzena’s Heartwarming Work with Mothers and Babies in Kacheliba- Kenya
Each heartbeat she monitors, each smile she shares, and each prayer she offers is a testament to the power of compassion and the enduring gift of new life.
Sister Lucrecia Iracema Tigüilá Martínez, a dedicated Comboni missionary sister serving in Amakuriat mission, West Pokot, Kenya, reflects on her 12 years of faithful service to God’s people as she reminisces about her humble beginnings in the small town of San Cristóbal Totonicapán, where her vocational journey stared.
“What I once saw as obstacles, I now see as chances to make a real difference.” Father Katembo Muhandiro Jean-Paul.
In the rugged terrain of Amakuriat, Kenya, Father Katembo Muhandiro Jean-Paul finds his calling. The Congolese priest, reflects on his journey from aspiring missionary to ordained clergy serving a community far from home.